Reading the Meow 2024

Reading the Meow is a new reading challenge for me, though it began in 2023. It's hosted by Mallika of Literary Potpourri, and the idea is simple - you just read a book or books featuring cats, then post your thoughts on your blog, or in the comments on Mallika's blog. 

Charlie, our Lilac Point - and now big brother to...

Herbie, our new boy (Tabby Point)

Unfortunately for me, the week runs from 10 to 16 June, during which period I will have precisely one full day at home. What's more, the final two days will be spent at a festival where I'll have very little internet access. Nevertheless, I've enjoyed finding the books!  And if you can't think of any, Mallika offers many more suggestions here: and here:

Here's my selection:

Cleveland Amory – The Cat Who Came for Christmas

Lilian Jackson Braun – The Cat Who Could Read Backwards

Colette – Gigi and the Cat

Tom Cox – Under The Paw

Tom Cox - The Good, the Bad and the Furry

Rodney Dale – Cats in Books: A celebration of cat illustration through the ages

Marilyn Edwards – More Cat Tales from Moon Cottage

Deric Longden – The Cat Who Came In From The Cold

Beverley Nichols – Cats’ ABC

Oliver Soden – Jeoffry, the Poet’s Cat

Doreen Tovey – Cats in the Belfry

And I might just get time to rewatch The Aristocats. 

So if you love cats, join in.  It'll be fun. 


  1. Thanks for this lovely post Rosemary! That's a great selection of books and almost all new to me. You're welcome to post a few days early or after the 16th if the week itself is inconvenient. And what a great idea to rewatch Aristocats--ages since I've seen it too! Lots of love to Charlie and Herbie, they look adorable!

  2. I'm glad I saw your post and was reminded about this challenge, which I took part in last year but assumed was a one-off. I enjoyed the Cox and Tovey books on your stack. Last week in France I read a memoir of life in Provence with nine cats (Sanctuary in the South: The Cats of Mas des Chats by Margaret Reinhold) that reminded me a lot of Tovey's style. I came across a different Colette work recently that seemed relevant and that I can download for free: Barks and Purrs.

    1. Oops, didn't mean to make that anonymous. I haven't used this platform for commenting before.

    2. It would be great to have you join in. The Memoir sounds wonderful as does Barks and Purrs

  3. Rosemary, how nice to see a photo of Charlie. I have heard you talk about Charlie at Lesa's blog, but seeing a picture is even better. And Herbie is very cute too. I hope you get to read some of those cat books.

    TracyK at Bitter Tea and Mystery


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